Monetizing BESS Investments on Intraday


Joffrey Faucon

Head of Product, Nord Pool

Henri Taskinen

Chief Executive Officer

Karri Mäkelä

Senior Expert, Fingrid

Aleksi Nordlund

Director, Power Markets, Taaleri Energia

This session will provide insights into the current and future state of the intraday market in Europe, focusing on the Nordic and Finnish markets. It will also cover changes in the Nordic Balancing Model and European balancing mechanisms and explore opportunities for BESS asset owners.

What to Expect:

  • Insights on the ongoing changes in the Nordic Balancing Model and European balancing mechanisms (MARI and PICASSO).
  • In-depth look at how the intraday market operates and future predictions for its development in the EU, Nordics, and Finland.
  • Strategies and opportunities for BESS participation in wholesale markets.
  • First-hand insights from a BESS asset owner.
  • Exploring the role of batteries and flexible resources in optimizing intraday trading.

This webinar is an excellent opportunity to understand the evolving landscape of the intraday and balancing markets and the crucial role BESS will play in shaping the future.

View the recording and read all Q&A here.