Battery energy storage systems are essential in enabling the clean energy transition and securing the resilience of the Finnish grid. With multiple markets and increased volatility, the optimization and trading of the battery becomes a key competitive advantage. We're happy to partner with Capalo AI to maximize the profitability and impact of the 38MWh asset.
Chairman of the Board of eNordic,
Ardian’s operating partner in the Nordics
38.5 MW / 38 MWh
Renewable energy is the only sustainable way to achieve global climate targets. Storage facilities are needed in order to increase the share of renewable energy in the electricity grid further. This trading agreement with Capalo AI ensures our BESS investment will be utilized optimally on an hour-to-hour basis to help achieve these targets.
Director Power Markets at Taaleri Energia
30 MW / 36 MWh
The electricity market has become more volatile in recent years, and consistently finding the right bidding strategy is key to maximizing the value of energy storage. We understand the competitive advantage of AI and machine learning in a rapidly changing market. We are excited to partner with an innovative growth company in this field.
CEO of Lempäälän Energia
4 MW / 3 MWh
As one of Capalo AI’s first customers, we are happy to use AI-powered optimization services. With Capalo AI’s platform solution, we have managed to significantly increase the profitability of flexible assets in a complex operating environment.
Investment Manager at Exilion
6 MW / 6.6 MWh
Battery energy storage systems are essential in enabling the clean energy transition and securing the resilience of the Finnish grid. With multiple markets and increased volatility, the optimization and trading of the battery becomes a key competitive advantage. We're happy to partner with Capalo AI to maximize the profitability and impact of the 38MWh asset.
Chairman of the Board of eNordic,
Ardian’s operating partner in the Nordics
38.5 MW / 38 MWh
Renewable energy is the only sustainable way to achieve global climate targets. Storage facilities are needed in order to increase the share of renewable energy in the electricity grid further. This trading agreement with Capalo AI ensures our BESS investment will be utilized optimally on an hour-to-hour basis to help achieve these targets.
Director Power Markets at Taaleri Energia
30 MW / 36 MWh
The electricity market has become more volatile in recent years, and consistently finding the right bidding strategy is key to maximizing the value of energy storage. We understand the competitive advantage of AI and machine learning in a rapidly changing market. We are excited to partner with an innovative growth company in this field.
CEO of Lempäälän Energia
4 MW / 3 MWh
As one of Capalo AI’s first customers, we are happy to use AI-powered optimization services. With Capalo AI’s platform solution, we have managed to significantly increase the profitability of flexible assets in a complex operating environment.
Investment Manager at Exilion
6 MW / 6.6 MWh
One turn-key service to trade, optimize, and operate your battery.
One turn-key service to trade, optimize, and operate your battery.
We operate from prequalification to BESS lifetime value maximization.
We operate from prequalification to BESS lifetime value maximization.
With Capalo Zeus VPP™, you will get route-to-market (prequalifications), AI-optimized automated trading across all markets, Balance Responsible Party (BRP) for the battery assets, access to ancillary and wholesale markets, and more. All part of the same package.
With Capalo Zeus VPP™, you will get route-to-market (prequalifications), AI-optimized automated trading across all markets, Balance Responsible Party (BRP) for the battery assets, access to ancillary and wholesale markets, and more. All part of the same package.
At the core of the Capalo Zeus VPP™ are AI-based, fully automated trading and optimization strategies across all Nordic markets:
Ancillary Markets
Wholesale Markets
The algorithms are specifically built to find maximal revenues for your Battery Energy Storage Systems. Now and in the future.
At the core of the Capalo Zeus VPP™ are AI-based, fully automated trading and optimization strategies across all Nordic markets:
Ancillary Markets
Wholesale Markets
The algorithms are specifically built to find maximal revenues for your Battery Energy Storage Systems. Now and in the future.
Capalo Zeus VPP combines multiple services into one turn-key BESS trading, optimization, and aggregation package.
The service contains:
We provide route-to-market for your battery assets to all available markets and handle prequalifications on your behalf.
BRP service
We trade your assets on our books, offering market access and automated trading as a complete turn-key service.
AI-optimized trading
Our cutting-edge trading models maximize your energy storage system’s revenue across all ancillary and wholesale markets.
Nordic’s fastest Intraday trader
Our Intraday trader’s fast and intelligent trading decisions capture the maximal benefit from wholesale market volatility.
Forecasts for all markets
We forecast every ancillary and wholesale market to ensure you get the best performance from cross-market optimization.
Future-proof trading strategies
Our self-learning trading strategies give you a competitive edge, ensuring maximal revenues now and in the future.
Capalo Zeus VPP combines multiple services into one turn-key BESS trading, optimization, and aggregation package.
The service contains:
We provide route-to-market for your battery assets to all available markets and handle prequalifications on your behalf.
BRP service
We trade your assets on our books, offering market access and automated trading as a complete turn-key service.
We provide route-to-market for your battery assets to all available markets and handle prequalifications on your behalf.
Nordic’s fastest Intraday trader
Our Intraday trader’s fast and intelligent trading decisions capture the maximal benefit from wholesale market volatility.
Forecasts for all markets
We forecast every ancillary and wholesale market to ensure you get the best performance from cross-market optimization.
Future-proof trading strategies
Our self-learning trading strategies give you a competitive edge, ensuring maximal revenues now and in the future.
Contact us to maximizeyour energy storage revenue
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Contact us to get the most out of your energy storage
Contact us to getthe most out of yourenergy storage
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Business ID: 3268277-1
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future we are shaping through leading AI technology.
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Business ID: 3268277-1
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future we are shaping through leading AI technology.
Join our newsletter and be part of the sustainable future we are shaping through leading AI technology.
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Site by: OuWau
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Site by: OuWau